Webinar: Restorative Care Planning and IDT Roles7/20/20231:30pm2:30pm
1100 SW Gage Blvd

Series Title: Restorative Nursing Excellence: Revitalizing Programs and Restoring Function After COVID-19
Session Title: Restorative Care Planning and IDT Roles
Target Audience: Nursing Home Administrators, Directors of Nursing, Nurse Managers, Restorative Staff, CNA’s, MDS nurses
Presented By:
- Eleisha Wilkes, RN, GERO-BC, RAC-CT, DNS-CT
Course Description:
This session of the Restorative Nursing Series will review suggested processes and best practices for developing the RNP plan of care (POC). This webinar will review how to develop a person centered RNP POC utilizing the nursing process with an interdisciplinary approach. Specific instruction on effectively formulating goals for interventions will be provided, as well as guidance on evaluating and updating goals. Sample care plans will be reviewed including a sample care plan for a post-COVID-19+ resident receiving restorative nursing programming. Additional discussion includes the role of IDT members in a successful RNP.
Learning Objectives
- Describe how to develop an effective RNP POC using an interdisciplinary approach
- Develop effective RNP goals with periodic updates in response to resident changes.
Sign-up for the six-week series by clicking here: https://khca.associationsonline.com/site_event_detail.cfm?pk_association_event=26979
Nurses: The Kansas Healthcare Association is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This offering is approved for 1.0 contact hour applicable for RN and LPN relicensure (KSBN LT0030-0338)
Administrators: This course is approved for 1.0 continuing education credit hours for adult care home administrators by the Kansas Department Aging and Disability Services. KDADS Health Occupations Credentialing sponsorship number LTS-A0001.
Operators: This course offering is approved for 1.0 continuing education clock hour for the Kansas licensed adult care home administrators and operators in the core area of Resident Care by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services. KDADS Health Occupations Credentialing Approved Sponsorship number: LTS-A0001.
Social Workers: This course is approved for 1.0 hour of continuing education hours for Kansas licensed Social Workers by the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board. Approval number: 17-006.
Dietitians: This course is approved for up to 1.0 continuing education clock hour for Kansas Licensed Dietitians by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services. KDADs Health Occupations Credentialing Approved Sponsorship Number: LTS-A0002