Why Contribute
- Helps to ensure that the long-term care continuum is at the table when decisions affecting the profession are made.
- Supports legislators who understand the issues impacting long-term care, regardless of political affiliation. Levels of support are based on the candidate’s record.
- Provides a coordinated effort to strengthen our political voice. Together, we are stronger.
Who Can Give
- Any employee at a single facility, multi-facility, proprietary and nonproprietary KHCA/KCAL member organization.
How to Contribute
- Credit Card/PayPal: Provides an easy way to give. Make a one-time payment or set up a scheduled payment in seconds.
- Mail a check payable to KHCA PAC: PO Box 4770, Topeka, KS 66604
Payments MUST be from you as an individual, NOT as your company or business.