DON Boot Camp11/11/20248am11/14/202412pm
Olathe, KS 66061

This program has been specifically created for Nurses that are new to the Director of Nursing Position, RN’s with the potential for serving in the DON position and nurse managers in Long Term Care/Skilled nursing facilities. We’ve collected input from Nurses that have attended in the last few years and have incorporated new and additional topics. Great for new DON’s and for those that want a refresher. Register early to assure you have a seat for the KHCA and LICA MedMan DON Boot Camp!
Segment 1: Roles and Responsibilities of the DON
Segment 2: Clinical Excellence
Segment 3: The Regulatory and Survey Process
Segment 4 Leading Clinical Improvement
Segment 5: Staffing and Human Resource Management
Segment 6: Overview of the Business Operations of the Nursing Department
Click here to view 2024 DON Boot camp Full Page Brochure
Hotel Information: A room block is being held at The Holiday Inn Express Olathe West. Rooms can be reserved at $130 per night (includes breakfast, parking and wifi). Please make reservations by October 20, 2024 to guarantee this rate. After October 20th this rate may not be available.
Holiday Inn Express Olathe West
10360 S. Ridgeway Rd
Olathe, KS 66061
Nurses: The Kansas Health Care Association is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for twenty five (25.0) contact hours applicable for RN and LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing Approved Provider Number: LT0030-0338.
Administrators: This course is approved for twenty five (25.0) continuing education credit hours for adult care home Administrators who attend the entire course. Approval by KDADS Health Occupations Credentialing approved sponsorship number LTS-A0001.
Operators: This course is approved for twenty five (25.0) continuing education credit hours for adult care home Operators who attend the entire course. Operators will be granted 25.0 hours in the core area of Administration and by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services. KDADS Health Occupations Credentialing approved sponsorship number LTS-A0001.
Social Workers: The Kansas Health Care Association is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Board. This offering is approved for twenty five (25.0) continuing education hours. Approval KSBSB 17-006
Participant cancellation policy:
When written noticed is received at least 5 days prior to the course/event a refund will be given minus an administrative fee of 25% unless otherwise noted. Attendee substitutions are permitted.
Cancellations made within 48 hours of the in-person event will NOT receive a refund. An attendee substitution is recommended.